National ENQ Breaking News: Lockdown Pandemic Must Go – President Donald J. Trump Shoulder to Shoulder with Armed Protesters, Tweets “LIBERATE” Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia, Acknowledges Rights Violations


With more than 300 million Americans currently under state-wide lockdown, people have come out to take their freedom rights back and protest about the unnecessary COVID-19 lockdown measures which, at this point, negatively impact the majority a lot more than the actual coronavirus pandemic.



Americans Can Now Get a Fair Settlement with Lockdown


Many Americans want and also deserve a form of lockdown compensation, as a result of their Lockdown Claim and many organizations like already help private individuals and business owners get a fair settlement, starting from $25,000 for private individuals and going up to millions for business owners.


To be even more clear, a lot of people couldn’t do the things they wanted or had to do, not to mention the business owners who lost big part of their revenue and others who even had to close the business – All of this, just because some people decided to enforce lockdown measures which have already proven to be a violation of the constitutional rights of Americans. So, in the end, it’s easy to understand why so many people ask Lockdown Claim of for help. It’s their right to get a fair Lockdown Claim settlement.



It’s Your Right to Get Paid Because of the Lockdown


Some people get damage settlements just because of the violation of their constitutional rights, while others get much higher amounts because the events brought consequences upon them, their families or their business. You can find more information and apply on Lockdown


Protests against the “lockdown pandemic” have emerged in many states, including Michigan, Minnesota and Virginia – With almost 10 million people under lockdown only in Michigan, the most brave have come out armed to the protests in front of the town hall in Lansing, the capital of the state. This only shows one thing: Americans are taking their freedom back, one way or another.



National ENQ Reports: President Trump Stands with Armed Protesters, Against the – Lockdown Pandemic – Which Has the Americans’ Rights “Under Siege”


Amid the protests, President Donald J. Trump has taken to Twitter to express his opinion on the emerging protests in Michigan and other states, as well as the violation of the constitutional rights of Americans:



From the end of March, we’ve seen almost all states close down, issuing a state-wide lockdown one by one. Ever since then, Americans have called out the outrageous measures and authorities just seem to keep enforcing the same idea: keeping Americans in their homes.


Although President Trump has done his duty and continues to serve the population by explaining the social distancing guidelines and supplying medical institutions with as many ventilators and supplies as possible, he has not enforced anything against the U.S. citizens, unlike most state authorities.


President Trump has also given the right to any state governor to lift their corresponding state-wide lockdown, which means the critical decision is up to state authorities.


With the news having recently popped up of the research about California, its population, and the very likely mass exposure to the coronavirus (COVID-19) in fall 2019, more and more Americans who haven’t even been tested and could as well be immune, along with all others who want to resume their activity, return to their normal life, and take their freedom back have been nothing but neglected by the authorities.


Americans have the indisputable right to freedom and the lockdowns are considered by most useless and intrusive: they’ve been the cause for why so many people lost their jobs or are unable to have a normal life.



National ENQ: From Coronavirus Pandemic to Lockdown Pandemic


It’s clear that recommendations and guidelines are more than welcome, whether it’s doctors, authorities or leaders telling us to avoid large crowds, or practice social distancing: obviously, people also want to protect themselves – but when they can’t go out for anything more than shopping, can’t get a haircut or can’t even attend church, just because the state tells them to stay at home, in the eyes of Americans, it’s nothing but a violation of rights.


Businesses and entrepreneurs have also complied with guidelines and suggestions from the authorities, before every one of them was hit by a state-wide lockdown. The unnecessary measures harm the people, the businesses, and the economy much more than the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic itself – with businesses suffering, while Americans aren’t able to purchase any goods or services from them, many companies and brick-and-mortar retailers are going out of business.

2 thoughts on “National ENQ News: Americans Want Freedom! From Coronavirus Pandemic to Lockdown Pandemic

  1. Pandemic news coverage magnified. Political maneuvering to control populations. CoVID-19 virus will come and go, as have many such viruses before. Lock downs are not working for slowing the spread of the virus. By the time the state governments reacted, the virus had already come. The economic impact from state governments shutting down businesses send a massive ripple effect across the country… restaurants and schools close ready-for-market crops have to be plowed under, milk poured out etc. Governors (especially the Democratic governors) should listen to the people in their states. Enough is enough.

  2. All is true! “Governors (especially the Democratic governors) should listen to the people in their states. Enough is enough.”! Good comment MKF Esmiol and a good article!

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